Hand held sparklers and ground base fountains can be purchased at our retail stand without a pre-order by any customer over the age of 18.
No minimum order required. Walk in customers are welcome.
All Connecticut & out-of-state residents over the age of 18 years of age can purchase these devices by the piece at our Durham, Connecticut fountain/ sparkler retail outlet.
Minimum Order: you must spend $1500.00 for your initial order for the *calender year .
Purchaser must be over 21 years of age.
Connecticut Non Permissible Fireworks are:
We only sell these fireworks by the case and they can not be picked up at the Connecticut facility by private individuals.
These items must be shipped by a common carrier from our Connecticut facility to an out of state destination or can be picked up at our retail fireworks store, Stateline Fireworks in Winchester, NH. Please call us by phone for further details.
*Licensed individuals with either an ATFE permit or State Pyrotechnics license in conjunction with the display permit are allowed to pick up at the Connecticut Facility.
Customer must pre-order online using the web site on line shopping cart.
Upon placing your order, await call from processing center to verify order. Our staff will go over your order with you and then process your credit card for the 10% down payment.
We do not ship CT. Non Permitted fireworks to Connecticut and Massachusetts.
After you have submitted your online order, your charge card is not processed until a representative calls you and verifies your information. Processing the order can take up to 24 hours.
All shipments of either permissible or Non permissible fireworks will be packaged and prepared for shipment in accordance with the Department of Transportation CFR49 code of regulations.
Items ordered via the Shopping cart require a credit card to purchase the items. Upon pickup you can either pay by credit card or cash. No personal checks are accepted! We will only hold the items 72 hours. There is a 20% restocking fee if the items are not picked up/shipped after that time frame.
We strongly suggest you use the online order form. Non online orders will be subject to a $25.00 processing charge.
We are not responsible for confiscations. Please check your local laws governing the use of Consumer Fireworks. You are responsible to verify this prior to purchase.
* Calender year runs from January 1 to December 31st.
We accept only MasterCard, Visa and Discover credit cards. --3% additional discount if you pay entire order with cash
Copyright © 2025 Dapkus Fireworks Inc.. | Provided by The Scribbit